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Saturday, 20 July 2013


The Reason Artists Flock Here...

Alfred Wallis Made His Home Here...

The View From Tate St Ives

William SCOTT Is In The House

Tate St Ives Tiles

Waiting Patiently... 

Patrick Heron Stained Glass Window

The Gallery Run

Higgledy Piggledy Slate Roof Skyline

The Cafe Look Out...

Artist's Beach Cottage Living...

Creating Cafe Culture...

Mint Tea Is Mint

Here They Come ! ...

Walking Home & Bobbing Boats...

#47  Four and Seven

A Painterly Brew

Favourite places are the ones you look forward to going back to. This is the start of a mini series on coastal St Ives. Bringing you the art, culture and fishing nets that provide such a lovely back drop to the eating holes. 

My favourite cafe views can be found at Tate St Ives. There is a natural light unlike any other and a spatial quality framed by roof top views across the soft sandy Porthmeor beach that calms the soul and sparks your creative imagination.

We had come to see the exhibition of one of our favourite British painters William Scott having spent the morning at Leach Pottery.

It is the perfect place for a Mint Tea, submergence of art and a stroll around the headland.  The Tate gallery at St Ives was opened in 1993, to provide a home for the abundant  paintings, textiles, etchings and ceramics created by the St Ives group of British artists who settled here.

Artists, Fishermen and Potters.

A truly magical combination, in a truly magical place. 

Monday, 1 July 2013


The Menu on Glaswegian 1950's Patchwork Quilt

Jocks In The Park Menu

Refreshments of...

Savoury Selection... 

Sweet Selection...

Howzat !

'Park Life'
 Illustration By The Sunshine Baker

#46  Up To Tricks

A Pik Nik.

The first picnic of summer. 'Lang may yer lum reek'. 

This is the time of the year when you kick off your shoes, and meander down to your local park, to surf on a grass wave.  A time when school pencil cases are rummaged through for implements ( rubber-ball, ruler and protractor-bat ) for an impromptu cricket match and when your fun, special friends invite you along to a creative, homemade, Scottish feast within nature's outdoor arena.

It's the perfect time for Beer Shandy refreshments washed down with Colonsay Ale Crust Pie stuffed with Mull Cheddar and Onion, for Barley Broth Salads with Peat Smoked Salmon Frittata. A time for lying low on elbows and tasting Date and Walnut Sourdough Bread - from the Brixton Sunshine Bakery - topped with roasted carrot hummus. It's also the best time of year for keeping banter smooth and tucking into Vanilla Carrageen Puddings with Honey Stewed Rhubarb, Lemon Drizzle Cake and the champion friend of all Scot's picnics, the Tunnocks Teacake. 

Alas, sorry folks, the picnic food tasted so good and looked so colourful, the blogger tucked in and forgot to take photos. 

Next time I will be prepared. 

'Land of the shining river,
Land of my heart for ever,
Scotland the brave.'

Favourite Places To Eat
