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Saturday, 18 June 2011


Keeping Food Current

# 1 Kelly's Eye

Raison d'ĂȘtre

There aren't too many things in life I enjoy more than visiting my 'Favourite Places To Eat' and discovering adding new favourites to the list. 

Whether your at a friends home or at a restaurant, shack, osteria, cafe, boulangerie, tent, native bush, tearoom, or canteen, there is something uniquely memorable about our favourite places to eat. Occasionally, resorting to discreetly unbuttoning your waistband to tuck in is A OK in my rule book. The occasion,  the ambience and the company we keep often forms an integral part of the experience.

My blogger tag is 'Tinker-Tailor-Soldier-Spy' and I am starting this blog feeling extremely lucky I wasn't born a food critic. Quite the opposite, I love food. Rather than focus on what's wrong, I prefer to focus on whats right, admiring the effort, skill and creation of the artisan chefs and homemade recipes we can discover along the way. This isn't about elitism, I don't care if its down a dodgy backstreet as long as it leads me to the homemade recipes of your great-grandmother. I  have no desire to waste our natural born craft of mastication by being a boring critical critic.  So if you like reading a good old humdinger of a moan, winge and general slating, then this blog will be likely to disappoint you.  

The posts will feature my 'Favourite Places To Eat' and in whichever location or time they find me. There will be no chasing of favours or secret handshakes for chocolate-brownie points with the maitre d, just the real, honest, everyday experiences I find along the way. I don't hope build a massive following but just to document a few of the places who provide a truly edible soundbite and hopefully for this blog to provide an interesting personal record along the way. Something the grandchildren can dip into one day and retrace my footsteps.

It will also prove an interesting experiment for me to see with first hand experience how a blog readership grows across the globe through self discovery and without any form of commercial investment such as a huge Advertising budget. This post isn't an advert for KFC, thats just me adding some humour to the mix.

Wishing myself a modicum of good luck and hope my readers might like it.

Here's to a 'Favourite Places To Eat' food adventure.

Favourite Places To Eat
